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Lote extranjería 24/7

Do you want to know the Tie/Nie lot extranjería number of your city?

 Información actualizada hoy: Data on the site is updated and kept current throughout the day 

   Once the documentation has been submitted and is under review in extranjería, the police issue a temporary permit to the applicant. The production times for the TIE range from 14 to 45 days, depending on the current workload of the police departments. 

    To collect the completed TIE card, you will need to present a valid foreign passport and the provisional document issued earlier.

Consulta gestoria gratuita  Consulta extranjeria gratuita 24/7

Último Número de Lote Tie/Nie hoy en extranjeria Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Torrevieja, Benidorm, Alicante, Murcia, Tarragona, Girona…

*nuestra informacion tiene exclusivamente un carácter informativo

Ejemplo: Resguardo es   2024 / 111  N:150   numero de lote es  2024 / 111 

Thank you in advance for your help! Please, once you receive your TIE card, send us a  WhatsApp  message with the exact lot number indicated at the office. That way, you’ll help other people who are also waiting for their documents. Many thanks! 📢 Necesito información sobre oficinas: (Barcelona: cnp comisaria Rubi, Ripolet,Sant Adria.. Valencia: Alzira, Madrid: Getafe…)

1. Seleciona Provincia
2. Seleciona Officina
Lote TIE:


lete NIE
Valencia CNP COMISARIA PATRAIX EXTRANJERIA, GREMIS, 6 2025/074 Barcelona CNP COMISARIA CASTELLDEFELS, PLAÇA DE L`ESPERANTO, 4 2024/227 Valencia CNP COMISARIA DE ALZIRA, Pere Morell, 4 2025/029 Huelva Oficina de Extranjería Policía, Fernando el Católico, 36 2024/201 Alicante CNP Alicante TIE 2025/044 Barcelona CNP COMISARIA TERRASSA, BALDRICH, 13 2025/276